GAIA this used to be the name for Mother Earth explored by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the late 60s The Ages of Gaia the realisation that the planet is a living being, self regulating and repairing and providing the components necessary for life to thrive energy is expended by the biota to actively maintain these optima homeostasis is maintained by active feedback processes operated automatically and unconsciously by the biota (Darling (2000) p. 161-2). Now apparently it is the acronym for Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics, designed to continue the work of the Hipparcos European Space Agency satellite (1989) doing astrometric surveys. This High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite went off on a highly elliptical orbit and produced two catalogues: Hipparcos of 118,000 stars and Tycho of over a million stars. GAIA took over the work as part of ESAs Horizon 2000 Plus Project to measure over a billion stars in the Galaxy, especially scrutinizing 200,000 stars within 650 light-years (200 parsecs) of the Sun for the presence of Jupiter-mass planetary companions (Darling (2000) p. 170). By Jove!
Gemini In 1965 astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White observed from Gemini 4 an anomalous cylinder with a protuberance traveling in orbit alongside and a bright light even higher up. These objects were not identified. In Gemini 7 Frank borman saw what he described as a bogey (bogeyman, scary phantom) flying in formation with his vehicle. (Birnes (2004) p.142.
Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programs a variety of observational programs like the extrasolar planetary search at Haute-Provence Observatory and the one in the Southern Hemisphere using the Leonard Euler Telescope and the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planetary Search (HARPS) initiated at Geneva Observatory to find extrasolar planets (amongst other things) looking at 51 Pegasi, 14 Herculis, Gliese 876, Gliese 86 and HD 75289. Utilising the Ultra Violet Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES). (Darling (2000) p. 167).
Genome The genetic description or gene sequence of a complete individual organism, rapidly being patented in a multi billion industry. John Rather of the Kaman Aerospace Corporation advocated the use of laser, interstellar transmission of such information. We can transmit large numbers of the alien species such as self-replicating electronic bodies that are much more versatile than organic matter he says. (Darling (2000) p.168). See the Terminator films if you dont believe him, Im sure Arnie will convince you. Though StarMan does it better, and the Man Who Fell to Earth was scarier, and earlier and had the White Duke in it. Then theres the Bionic Man/Woman we have the technology, we can rebuild him. Possibly this is the derivation of alien implants as, if they can beam a complete organisms code to a distant star, then surely they can beam a bioelectric implant into your tissues which will grow and develop with nanotechnology. In the last twenty years or so, the concept of genetic engineering has moved centre stage in the ongoing drama of human/alien encounters (Baker (1999) p.87) creating hybrid babies possibly due to radioactive contamination of the aliens reproductive process, or due to our looming apocalyptic eclipse. As we were made in Gods image and God is a sky or celestial travelling being this makes sense. Eat Statics Abduction Album by Ultimate Records 1993, contains the sample Since our interaction with the aliens began, we have come in possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams witchcraft, magic, the occult and religion you put the aliens in the middle of this stuff and youve got all the answers and what your mind can conceive, your body will achieve (either that or Banco DGaia, techno music is very uplifting, maybe its sonic reprogramming).
Guersney, two mile long uffos spotted, see link to the left.
Ghirlandaio In the 15th Century this artist painted an image of the Virgin Mary which contained in the sky above her a flying disk emanating sparks or rays of light The Madonna and St Giovannino(Birnes (2004) p. 143). A great reference for historical images of ufos is Alien Chronicles by Matthew Hurley (2003).
Ghost Rockets A term for an unidentified anomalous craft seen prior to the term Flying Saucer, these were seen from 1932 37 over Finland, Norway and Sweden in their hundreds, but also over other parts of Europe. In 1933 they were noted flying in blizzard conditions which would not normally be possible (Jenny Randles, The Little Giant Encyclopedia (2000) p.28). By January 1934, over forty reports were being made per day. They were huge craft, some with multiple engines and some with strange multicoloured lights. Occassionally they would be hovering over military installations. In 1946 they were again seen over Scandinavia travelling at high velocity and executing hairpin turns, sometimes observed diving into lakes. One crashed into Lake Kolmjarv in northern Sweden in July 1946. (Spencer (1991) p. 160). British researcher Mark Birdsall writes in UFO 7, number 4 (July/August 1992) p. 32: Without question, nearly all Foo-Fighter and Ghost Rocket reports can be categorized as advanced technology channeled from these various secret German WWII scientific facilities. Well, the V weapons and V rockets went with Werner von Braun to NASA, and they are the most developed space and scientific research organisation publicly known about. Massive technological advances mean they can do things underground, in remote areas, or out in space, put it under the control of a private company and no one need know. If any one twigs anything anomalous they can hint at its being aliens, and thus leave it unexplainable, if necessary. They can probably build things that seem alien (robots, humanoids, androids, hybrids and mutants) to operate equipment in space. Unless they tell us were not really going to know.
Copyright Rosunwell Society
Tab Goode