Tab Goode / Hathor / Author
The first and third mask is either a Goddess or Royalty during the reign of King Ahmose and Queen Ahmose-Nefertary, 1550 -1525 BC, that's what the British Museum says. But I think look at the curves like horns on either side of the head, and the Gold sun disc shape and the wings. Her name has been scratched off and she may in fact be older than thought. She looks like Nefertiti mother of Ankhesenamun wife of Tutankhamun but she is two hundred years older. (King Tut is the second mask - it's actually Tut-ankh-Amun meaning 'the living image of Amun' Amun being the God of the air in the patheon of Hermopolis, the Ogdoad.)
The unknown lady with no name may be closest to Hathor, who is usually represented in a stylised form as having the horns of a cow and the Moon/Sun on her head: "...the daughter of Ra. She was depicted as a woman with the ears of a cow, the horns of the cow, or the horns of a cow with the sun disc between, representing the sun as the Ka, both the body and soul. She was both good and bad, again identifying with the soul and body. In her vengeful state she was associated with the lioness Sekhmet and in this form was known as one of the 'eyes of Ra' (because of the association between the mane of the lion and the sun, ... She restored the eye of Horus [son of Osiris and Isis]. Later, at Edfu, they married, and she became Hathor 'of the house of Horus'. As the divine mother she was regarded as mother of the Pharaoh but was primarily the mother-goddess associated with pleasure, joy, sexuality and music. In Theban tombs she is depicted as the 'lady of the west', keeping safe the setting sun until the morning. The dead thus yearned to be in the arms of Hathor, protected and sheltered in the afterlife." Maurice Cotterell, page 56-7, The Tutankhamun Prophecies (1999).
Notice that the eyes
not only look too
elongated to be normal
but also look like the
Christian 'fish' symbol.
In order for Tuti not to
have bloodshot eyes
it is necessary to remove
the red tint all over.
His inner sarcophagus
has all black eyes, and his
two unborn children
are mummified. One
of the girl children could
not look more like a
'Grey', with an enlarged
cranium, elongated eyes,
and a tiny pointed chin.
This Lady is unknown
but she looks mighty
important to me.
Notice her wings,
her large head, and
her listening capabilities.
She's as important as any
man, look at her 'beard'.
In "Who Killed
on Discovery
Channel, an
X-Ray of
Tuti's brain is
Does anyone
else recognise
a conehead
when they see it?
The white pointy stick
is pointing at tiny
bone shards, or an
Now, there is a
relief carved of
Akhenaton and his
wife Neferrtiti, looking
as if they are at
dinner, eating little
people. Interpreted
as parents with
their children whom
they hold in their
hands, this
scultpure suggests
to me, powerful
Pharoahs overcoming
an enemy by
eating them suddenly.
One little person
points at Akhenaton
whilst looking at
Queen Nefertiti, as if to
question the action.
The little people are
not children, but
formed adult little
people. Akhenaton
overthrew the multi-
god system in
favour of a one god
system of the Sun,
His son Tutankhamun
brought the multigod
system back.
Suppose that Tuti's
head contained an
implant in the form of
the Ibis God Thoth,
with headress, and
then consider the
little person - surely
not a two month
premature baby,
but a perfect
little person, a Grey,
with grey skin,
and elongated eyes
who stands next to
Tut and his wife
on this webpage
below -
see the two links
below, and the
image, enhanced by
Rosunwell of
Tuti's head:
(Akhenaten) ruled
Egypt from about
1350 to 1334 B.C.E.,
in the middle of the
18th Dynasty.
...his name
waenra, Akhenaton)
is on the right.
His father was
Amenhotep III;
his mother was Tiy.
Akhenaton was
originally known as
Amenhotep IV.
His wife was
Nefertiti, who was
famous for her
If my conjecture
proves true,
then Akhentanon's
faithful might have
enraged that Tuti
had more God's to
work with than the
powerful Akhenaton,
and this may have
been Tuti's downfall.
Akhenaton may
have retired and
been taken to
fairyland by the
little people.
To reach the Ibis
headed God Thoth,
it seems that
the Ibis flower was
eaten, as in
Fairies', and the
used of the Peyote
Button, this would
fit into a
tradition of natural
herbs taken to
connect with the
other realmers.